Reverse Periodontal Disease

Can my teeth be saved if I have periodontal disease?

Have you got periodontitis? You may have periodontitis if your teeth hurt or bleed when you floss.

This website post will help you determine if periodontitis exists and the best periodontal treatment plans to restore your smile.

What exactly are the symptoms of periodontitis?


Periodontitis begins with inflammation in the periodontal pocket, a narrow space between the tooth and the periodontal ligament. If the inflammation goes on for too long with no treatment, then you may experience tooth mobility, pain while chewing food, loosening of teeth and shifting of roots because of bone loss.

Plaque formation

Dental plaque forms on your teeth when you brush them or eat sweets. Plaque forms a mineralization process that produces acids.

Bad breath

Bad breath is a common sign of periodontitis. Chronic bad breath and halitosis can increase your chances of developing periodontal disease.

Red or Swollen Gums

A periodontal disease sign can include red, tender, swelling gums. The gum tissues get irritated due to bacterial infection and become inflamed.

Loose Teeth

Sensitive Gums which have pulled from the teeth are also early signs of gum disease. Proper dental care might help prevent periodontitis and tooth loss.

Factors that raise the risk of developing periodontal disease

Periodontal disease could be caused by bacterial plaque. However , there are other factors that affect your gum health.

  •  Age
  •  Smoking
  •  Genetics
  •  Stress
  •  Medications
  •  Taking care of your teeth
  •  Poor Nutrition and Obesity
  • Different stages of periodontitis

Periodontitis: Stages

Periodontitis is a complex process that can be split into many stages. The three main categories of periodontitis are:

Periodontal disease in its early stages:

The early stages of periodontal diseases will see your gums recede and shrink. This exposes your periodontal ligament. Bad breath could be caused by bacteria that has accumulated around your teeth.

Moderate periodontal diseases:

Moderate periodontal disease will cause your gums to bleed and form pus. Periodontal pockets can develop in moderate periodontal diseases. Your teeth will lose bone support. You may experience heavy bleeding from your gums, swelling or pain when you eat.

Higher level periodontal disease

Chronic periodontitis is characterized by bone loss that's more severe, with pockets developing between the teeth and the gums. Advanced periodontitis could cause tooth mobility, or even complete loss of the sockets. Shifting can also occur because of bone loss surrounding roots. You might notice a change in your breath due to bacteria eating away at your enamel.

If left untreated, advanced periodontal disease can lead to high fevers (sepsis), which can cause death. Periodontitis may lead to teeth falling out. This happens because the surroundings of inflammation makes it more likely that bone will be destroyed faster than it is created.

Periodontal Disease Treatment

Your periodontal disease severity will determine the procedure you need. There are several treatment options. A periodontist will advise you on the best treatment options for your periodontal problem if periodontitis has been diagnosed.

Scaling and root planing can be used to reduce symptoms and possibly repair damaged gum tissue. Diagnosis of periodontal disease will come from bleeding gums, bad breath, or risk-factor family history. For the chronic condition to be treated, it is necessary to maintain good oral hygiene over time and have regular professional evaluations and examinations.

Oral hygiene practices

For bacteria to be controlled, it is important to maintain good oral health. Use dental floss to remove plaque and brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Other products for oral hygiene, such as toothpaste or toothbrushes, may be recommended by your dentist.


Gum disease or bacterial infections can occur on the membrane that supports teeth. Periodontitis is a condition that affects the gums. It's important to visit your dentist or periodontist for possible treatment. This condition can be treated by oral antibiotics and other medicines that reduce inflammation of the gums and further shrinkage. These medications could include oral steroids such as prednisone, or anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen).

Scaling and root planing (SRP), professional cleaning

Routine dental cleanings (also known as periodontal scaling or root planning (SRP) are usually the first step. They use conservative, non-surgical techniques. Periodontal disease treatment. A scaler is used by your dentist or periodontist to remove plaque from the pocket. Scaling is the professional procedure for removing these tooth deposits. Subgingival scaling, root planing and tartar removal (also known as "deep cleaning") are two methods of removing plaque and tartar.

This professional cleaning method can be used to remove plaque buildup that triggers periodontitis. This calls for the use of special tools to eliminate tartar from the gums, and then applying an antibiotic gel. To discover the best results, root preparation is performed about a week following initial treatment.

"Scaling and root planning are completed in about a week to get the best results. "

Laser Therapy Treatments

Laser therapy treatments for gum disease certainly are a much safer alternative to periodontal surgery. Lasers are used to heal gum disease and inflamed tissue.

Gum Grafts:

Gum surgery doesn't have to be as painful as it sounds. Sometimes, it's necessary that gum tissue be removed to ensure the health of tooth roots. Tissue transplants are necessary in order to prevent tooth damage or enhance the appearance of your smile. Guided tissue regeneration techniques use grafts, which involve the placement of a mesh between your jawbones and gums to encourage bone and gum growth.

The periodontist will generate an area to hold the graft. It takes approximately half one hour, but it might take longer if one of your jaws is more recessed. You can usually eat within 1 hour after surgery. Gum grafts, which are employed for periodontal diseases, are a surgical technique that removes diseased periodontal tissue, cleans out the gum pockets with a small cuette, and then seeds (grafts) healthier donor tissue.

Flap surgery:

Flap surgery removes calculus from deep pockets and reduces the size of the pocket. The dentist will remove tartar and plaque from the root surfaces, as well as lift the gums. The gums are then reattached to the tooth. The gum tissue will then heal and be snugly fitted around the tooth.

Natural Home Remedies:

Periodontitis symptoms could be controlled or prevented by regular dental visits, treatment and good oral hygiene. Once an infection occurs, dental hygiene must be element of your treatment. You should practice the following good oral hygiene habits:

Brush with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste twice daily, thoroughly cleaning the chewing surfaces and sides of teeth. Avoid smoking and chewing tobacco.

Clean the spaces between your teeth regularly by either using interdental brushes or floss. For small gaps between your teeth, dental floss can be used. But a toothbrush is more effective for larger spaces.

You should take extra care when cleaning around uneven surfaces such as crowns, dentures and crowns.

Antibacterial mouthwash is a good choice to avoid inflammatory reactions in the mouth.

For regular professional cleanings, see your dentist.

Your appearance may be a concern if your gums are receding. Due to how your gums and teeth look, you may not want to smile in public. People age with the common problem of receding gums. It can be embarrassing and uncomfortable, but most importantly, it can lead to serious health problems if left untreated.

Recessive gums can result in other problems, such as bad breath or tooth decay.

Dental Pro 7 has the answer for you! Dental Pro is a periodontal solution that can reduce disquiet from receding gums.

It really is useful for:

Dental Pro offers two options: one for short-term relief and another for long term treatment.

Dental-Pro will make your mouth feel great again!

How can it all work?

These ingredients are meant to keep your teeth strong and healthy, along with reduce any inflammation or pain associated with periodontitis. This periodontal solution contains natural treatments like clove oil that can greatly reduce pain. This groundbreaking product stimulates your gum tissue and reverses the natural recession process.

Are you completely fed up of the embarrassment and discomfort that come with periodontal disease?

Dental PRO7 is a 100% natural treatment for gum disease.

 It really is made with all-natural ingredients such as aloe vera and licorice root extract. Clove oil, clove oil, peppermint oils, and many other natural ingredients. You should use it to treat gum disease without side effects.

The best part about using Dental PRO 7 is that it doesn't just help your gums - it also can help you feel better about yourself. Because these symptoms are connected with gum disease, you won't need to worry anymore about having bad or embarrassing breath. Moreover, if you want to improve your oral health in general, this is actually the perfect product.

Click here to Order Now > > 


Lasers can help with gum disease

Lasers can be utilized to treat periodontal disease. Studies have shown that lasers have comparable results to other treatment plans, such as scaling or root planing. Scaling and root-planing are an old non-careful treatment for periodontal diseases.

Are teeth cleaning and periodontal treatment painful?

It isn't generally a painful process. The periodontist may use a local anesthetic to numb the gum and teeth, but it is unnecessary for periodontal disease treatment.

How much time does it dependence on periodontitis to heal?

The majority of people heal in two weeks. Most people can go back to work within a fortnight of their procedure. Your teeth may feel more sensitive after the procedure. Gum recession could cause discomfort for some people. There are many things you can do to be able to lessen the pain and discomfort of gum recession.

Can orthodontics help with periodontal disease?

Yes. It is critical to maintain the treatment with a periodontist for your pockets not to get back and worsen.

What happens if we don't treat periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease identifies a condition in which the soft connective tissues are damaged. If not treated, the condition can loosen teeth or lead to tooth loss.
